Retrieves organization data (including company name, EIN, and payment information) for every company associated with your account.

Response Definitions

Response ItemDescription                                         Data Type
idThe ID of the organization or company. Each organization ID is automatically assigned by NewCraft.String
company_nameThe full name of the organization or company.String
einThe Employer Identification Number, or Federal Tax Identification Number, associated with the organization. This unique 9-digit number (in the format "XX-XXXXXXX") is what identifies the organization for US tax purposes.String
company_locationThe primary location of the organization.String
headcountThe number of people who work at the company in total.Integer
{bank_account}The information associated with the bank account that the organization uses to make company payments. This is what used to pay salaries and other expenses.Object
{bank_account}/routingNumberThe routing number associated with the account that the organization uses to make company payments.String
{bank_account}/accountNameThe name associated with the bank account that the organization uses to make company payments. This might be the name of the organization or the name of a leader within the organization, depending on how the account was set up.String
{bank_account}/institutionNameThe name of the bank or other institution that the organization uses to make company payments.String
{bank_account}/accountTypeThe account type from which organization makes company payments. This will most likely say "CHECKING," meaning that business expenses are taken from a checking account. If expenses are taken from a savings account, output will be "SAVINGS".String
{bank_account}/accountNumberThe account number associated with the account that the organization uses to make company payments.String

Example Response

  "data": [
      "id": "39d42a4a-0e36-4a6c-8804-fce588acf032",
      "type": "Organization",
      "attributes": {
        "company_name": "Brooklyn Mint",
        "ein": "55-5555555",
        "company_location": "Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY, USA",
        "headcount": 23,
        "back_account": {
          "routingNumber": "122101706",
          "accountName": "Stripe",
          "institutionName": "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.",
          "accountType": "CHECKING",
          "accountNumber": "19879919"
      "id": "39d42a4a-0e36-4a6c-8804-eeeejjeej5445",
      "type": "Organization",
      "attributes": {
        "company_name": "San Francisco",
        "ein": "55-3888474",
        "company_location": "184 Linda St San Francisco, California",
        "headcount": 56,
        "back_account": {
          "routingNumber": "122101706",
          "accountName": "Stripe",
          "institutionName": "BANK OF AMERICA, N.A.",
          "accountType": "CHECKING",
          "accountNumber": "19879919"
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