JUMP TONewCraft APIOrganizationRead organization data for all organizationspostRead organization data for a specific organizationpostPayrollRetrieve a list of payroll runspostRetrieve a specific payroll runpostRead payments for benefits, deductions, salaries, and taxes for all employeespostRead individual payroll data such as job title, start date, and salarypostPayroll EmployeesRetrieve payroll information for a specific payroll, including data on gross pay, taxes, and deductions.postRetrieve a list of employee payroll runs for the payroll runpostEmployeesRead aggregate employee data such as names, work emails, and direct reportspostRead individual employee datapostEmployee PayrollsRetrieve a list of employee payrollspostRetrieve an employee payroll runs for the payroll runpostChange RequestsRead change request data.postRead data for a specific jobpostJobsRead job data such as title, description, status, and location.postRead data for a specific jobpostCandidatesRead aggregate candidate data such as names, resumes, and statusespostCreate a new candidate for the jobpostRead candidate data for a specific jobpostUpdate a candidatepostPublic TokensExchange a public token for an access tokenpostConnect TokensCreate a connect token with limited access for 30 minutespostPowered by Read change request data.post https://sandbox.newcraft.io/change_requests/getRetrieves all change requests associated with an organization.Sample Response JSON{ "data": [ { "id": "85626fc0-e140-44d9-aa04-e51f8ed7a56e", "type": "change_request", "attributes": { "id": "85626fc0-e140-44d9-aa04-e51f8ed7a56e", "kind": "create", "model_class": "Candidate", "state": "awaiting_processing", "values": {} } } ] }